News on International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots
Future of Sex coverage of the annual academic event.

News on the upcoming Love and Sex with Robots Congress has finally landed!
The 7th annual academic conference will take place from November 18 to 20, 2022, according to a save-the-date email sent to LSR newsletter subscribers Saturday.
Once again, the event will be virtual. (The last in-person LSR conference took place in 2019)
Keynote speakers include academics Kate Devlin, Justin Lehmiller, and Jessica Szczuka, as well as iDollator Regulo Guzman Jr., aka Reggie.

The conference also recently announced their call for papers with a deadline of August 31.
According to the Submissions page, LSR welcomes “full papers and abstracts for individual presentations, panels, workshops (synchronous), posters, brief communications, and data blitzes (asynchronous)…”
Potential topics include robot emotions, teledildonics, roboethics, and more.

Since 2015, Future of Sex has reported on the International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots, including featured technologies as well controversies surrounding the event itself.
Peruse below for articles covering the conference along with related features on synthetic companions.
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Love and Sex with Robots 2021 (virtual)
Bots with Benefits? Study Shows Women Seek Robot Friendships, Men Prefer Sexbots

“How does gender influence the likelihood of someone preferring friendship over a sexual relationship with a robot?
“In an earlier article, I discussed my thesis findings that indicated a positive effect between a participant’s level of hostile sexist beliefs and their interest in robot sex partners.
“As part of this study, I also looked into the gender differences regarding who might want a robot, and if participant sex could be a predictor of engagement with robots.” Read more.
Desire for Casual Sex May Predict Less Interest in Sex Robots
By Connor Leshner

“Does a desire for casual sex mean a robotic lover will never enter your bed?
“According to results from my research on desire for robots, it’s mostly likely the case that someone who seeks multiple casual sex partners is not also fantasizing about sex robots.
“On its face, the finding could also be easily interpreted to support stereotypes about why people desire robots. Yet upon closer examination, I contend this finding supports the notion that people may be interested in sex robots for reasons aside from casual sex.” Read more.
50 out of 100 People Believe Sex with a Robot Is Cheating
By Connor Leshner

“Every day, we get closer to having robots as relationship partners. But, as we get closer, we also approach the point that robots might exist alongside our human partners.
“New research from the Kinsey Institute reveals a divide in public perception of human-robot relationships.
“This creates an important question: if someone in a relationship has sex with a robot, would that be considered cheating? According to researchers at the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, about 50% of people say it is.” Read more.
Men with Hostile Sexist Beliefs More Likely to Desire Sexbots: Study
By Connor Leshner

“How closely tied are sexist beliefs and the desire for sex with robots?
“As a researcher at the University of Victoria in Canada, I examined this relationship between sexism and interest in sexual relations with robot in a study of 223 undergraduate students.
“The sample was 75% women and had a median age of 20 (mean age of 21.5). Most participants were either Caucasian or Asian.” Read more.
Registration Now Open for Virtual Congress on Love and Sex with Robots
By Connor Leshner

“Greetings from the world of sex technology! We’re pleased to announce that registration for The 6th Love and Sex with Robots Congress is now open.
“Between August 18 and 20, 2021, the virtual event will host the biggest meeting of scholars who study sex robots, and everyone is invited!
“Topics will include robot emotions, humanoid robots, robot personalities, teledildonics, sex technology startups, and understanding human-robot interaction from a variety of areas, including psychological, sociological, feminist, ethics, and clinical approaches.” Read more.
Everything We Know About the ‘Love and Sex with Robots’ Congress in Montreal Next Year
By Connor Leshner

“2021 is going to be a busy year for sex and love with robots! (We sure hope!)
“With more countries flattening the curve, many people are becoming hopeful about traveling in the future.
“In the not-too-distant future, we may soon be able to you will soon be able to travel, spend time in large rooms with like-minded people, and, in late August, attend the 2021 International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots in Montréal.” Read more.
Love and Sex with Robots 2020 (virtual)
‘Love and Sex with Robots’ Conference Goes Virtual This December
By M.Christian

“Joining many other organizations recognizing the seriousness of staying isolated during the current COVID-19 pandemic, 2020’s International Love and Sex with Robots Conference is will be online only.
“Hosted by Virtual Brain City Berlin and to be run on the Cisco Webex video platform, the conference will take place on December 7 and 8, 2020.
“In addition to offering attendees the opportunity to take part in various activities related to the study of “Intimate Relations with Robots,” as the event puts it, the organizers have also put out a call for people in the field to submit papers for presentation.” Read more.
Love and Sex with Robots 2019
Fascinating Sex Tech Unveiled at Sex Robot Conference
By Miss Doll

“Scholars from all around the world gathered last month to discuss how sexual robotics will impact the future of human sexuality.
“On July 1-2, 2019, the Free University of Brussels held the 4th International Conference on Love and Sex with Robots. Researchers from diverse educational backgrounds had the opportunity to share their expertise and opinions on this growing trend.
“Perhaps the most interesting presentations showcased teledildonics. In fact, both mathematician Rudolph Arnold and scholar Leonardo M. Gomes brought two extraordinary hi-tech sex toys.” Read more.
Next Congress on Love and Sex with Robots Set For July
By M.Christian

“Organizers of the controversial and previously postponed Congress on Love and Sex with Robots have announced a new date for their fourth event!
“Digisexuals, academics, and sex tech professionals alike are asked to attend the conference on July 1 and 2 at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), in Brussels, Belgium.
“For this year’s conference, organizers have also partnered with the University’s Interdisciplinary Bioethics Research Center, whose mission, according to its site, is to study “ethical issues raised by the development of life and health sciences and techniques.” Read more.
Love and Sex with Robots 2018 (canceled)
By M.Christian

“Joining many other organizations recognizing the seriousness of staying isolated during the current COVID-19 pandemic, 2020’s International Love and Sex with Robots Conference is will be online only.
“Hosted by Virtual Brain City Berlin and to be run on the Cisco Webex video platform, the conference will take place on December 7 and 8, 2020.
“In addition to offering attendees the opportunity to take part in various activities related to the study of “Intimate Relations with Robots,” as the event puts it, the organizers have also put out a call for people in the field to submit papers for presentation.” Read more.
RealDoll CEO Will Keynote Controversial ‘Love and Sex with Robots’ Conference
By M. Christian

“Feeling isolated in your love of sex robots? Then it’s time to plan a trip to Missoula, Montana, so you can gather with like-minded folks.
“On December 13 to 14, the University of Montana will host the 4th International Congress On Love & Sex With Robots. The annual symposium attracts academics and industry professional from around the world who want to share their work and discuss potential issues, ideas, and innovations.” Read more.
Despite Past Terror Threat and Ban, Sex Robot Conference Announces 2018 Event
By Jenna Owsianik

“Organizing a conference of any kind is often a big task. But when it comes to a conference on sex robots, you better be prepared to handle some extra complications and backlash.
“So we wish all the best to the organizers of the Fourth International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots! The two-day event is set to take place at the University of Montana in Missoula, Montana, on December 13 and 14, 2018.
“Let’s hope that this US location is more accommodating than previous choices.” Read more.
Love and Sex with Robots 2016
How a History of Storytelling Can Help Us Make Sense of Sex with Robots
By Alice Bonasio

“After being canceled amongst much controversy in Malaysia last year, the Second International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots finally took place in London this week, hosted at Goldsmiths, University of London.
“As you might expect, there were some interesting gadgets such as haptic lollypops and kissing phones on show. But the bulk of the discussions revolved around philosophical—and increasingly topical—issues around both the morality and practicality of human-robot interactions in a not-so-distant future.” Read more.
Long-distance Kissing and Licking? Prototypes Reveal the Future of Virtual Make-out Sessions
By Alice Bonasio

“Attendees of the Second International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots were treated to some innovative tech that promises to connect people in very intimate ways. This is not about teledildonics though, but about rather more safe-for-work interactions of an oral nature—namely kissing and licking.
“Technology allows us to interact with our family, friends, and lovers over a distance like never before. We can see and hear them in real time, constantly exchanging messages and information. But the importance of physical interaction to the quality of these relationships is still grossly underestimated.” Read more.
‘Love and Sex with Robots’ Conference Re-launches After Malaysian Ban
By Jenna Owsianik

“Around this time last year, organizers of the Second International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots were in a predicament: cancel the workshop or risk arrest.
“Apparently, picking Malaysia as the host country was a misguided choice—a point that really hit home when Inspector General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar declared the event illegal.” Read more.
Can This New Electric Smell Machine Add Sexy Aromas to Virtual Reality?
By M. Christian

“Forget scented candles to set the mood. Last month, a team of researchers announced they had invented a machine that can create the sensation of smell with electric pulses alone.
“A press release from the Imagineering Institute in Malaysia said this new technology works by stimulating the olfactory bulb in the brain, which makes it possible for subjects to experience a wide variety of aromas.” Read more.
Love and Sex with Robots 2015 (canceled)
‘Love and Sex with Robots’ Conference Shut Down After Pressure from Authorities
By Jenna Owsianik

“After the First International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots went off without a hitch in Madeira, Portugal last year, co-organizer Adrian Cheok was surprised when this year’s planned congress received such strong backlash.
“Originally set to occur on November 16 in Iskander Malaysia, Cheok told Future of Sex on Friday he’d had no other choice but to cancel. This is following a statement from the Inspector General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar declaring the workshop illegal, and threatening legal action against the organizers.” Read more.
Malaysian Police Call ‘Love and Sex with Robots’ Conference Illegal
By Ben Barnes

“After receiving negative responses from Malaysia’s Johor Tourism Department and the inspector general of police, the future of the second international Love and Sex with Robots Congress is uncertain. Professor Adrian Cheok and Dr. David Levy were planning to chair the event in Iskandar Malaysia, on November 16.
“However, following the announcement of the congress, Iskandar Malaysia, a regional development sector in Southern Malaysia (located directly above Singapore), made it clear it did not support the Love and Sex with Robots event.” Read more.
Future of Sex Expert Series
Sex Robots and Artificial Intelligence in 2022

“One of my favorite topics to cover is sex robots and robot companions. The ways humans develop and use technologies reveals our deepest needs and desires, some of which may be hidden even from ourselves.
“Sexual robotics converges with several fields, including machine learning, virtual reality, and Bluetooth sex toys. Although today’s animatronic sex dolls are a far cry from what we see in sci-fi fantasies, that hasn’t stopped humans in our quest to improve our sex lives with technology.” Read more.
- Kenneth Play is an International Educator and Sex Hacker
- Dr. Markie L. C. Twist, Ph.D., LMFT., LMHC., CSE., Teaching Faculty, Antioch University New England, Applied Psychology Program
- Tina Horn, writer of SfSx: Terms of Service
- Bobbi Bidochka, Co-Chair, Academic Congress on Love and Sex with Robots
- Natasha Marie Head of Content at MysteryVibe
Sex Tech Buzzwords and Shifting Sexual Wellness Trends in 2022
By Bobbi Bidochka

“It has been well established that the COVID-19 pandemic was instrumental in highlighting the importance of sexual health and wellness, as sex toys and sex-related products sales soared in 2020 and 2021.
“According to Forbes, “the sector is widely predicted to be worth $122 billion by 2024, and a 13 percent CAGR, investors agree there are huge business opportunities to be found in sex tech and sexual wellness.” This trend will indeed continue.” Read more.
David Levy articles
Sex Robots in 5 Years Will Be Affordable, Transhuman and Feel Better

“We’ve been covering the advancement of sex robots since launched in 2011. In the years following, inventors have made impressive gains by incorporating various emerging technologies to create more realistic and interactive artificial companions.
“What will be the most exciting developments in sex robots in the next five years?” Read more.
- Dr. David Levy, Founder of the International Congress on LSR and author of Love & Sex with Robots
- Markie L. C. Twist, Ph.D., LMFT., LMHC., CSE., Teaching Faculty, Antioch University New England, Applied Psychology Program
- Simon Dubé, Ph.D. candidate specializing Erobotics and co-Chair of the International Congress on LSR
- Leonardo Wang, CEO and Founder of MISSDOLL
- Davecat, robosexual and iDollator
- Bjorn Johnsson, founder of Lux Botics
Machine Flirting: Roboticist David Levy Discusses AI, Sex Tech and Adult Chatbots
By Hugo Gray

“As robots become an increasingly common aspect of everyday life, humanity will need to ask itself some difficult questions. Would you be comfortable with a self-driving car? What about receiving medical treatment from robotic nurses?
“How would you react if a robot tried to flirt with you?
“That’s the question that chess champion and acclaimed robotics expert David Levy is trying to answer.” Read more.
The Top 4 Sex Tech Books of 2019
By Chloé Locatelli

“2019 is proving to be an exciting year for sex tech developments, and, as the field grows, academic interest and conversations about the subject are gaining increasing traction.
“This year welcomes four topical publications, all of which address ideas about where sex tech is going through in-depth research, and give us an opportunity to get even more immersed in this world.” Read more.
Robotics Expert David Levy on Sexbots, Love, and Loneliness
By M. Christian

“Riding the dust storm of the wildly popular show Westworld, David Levy recently penned a piece for The Daily Mail on what he sees as the future of human-robot sexuality, or, as the publication puts it: the dawn of the sexbots.
“Levy always offers an entertaining read—his positive attitude toward robosexuality—when people are sexually attracted to robots—is particularly refreshing. The man, after all, did write the book on the subject: Love and Sex with Robots.” Read more.
Roxxxy and Beyond: A Look at the Present and Future of Sex Robots
By Hugo Gray

“Roxxxy True Companion is often depicted in the press as one of the world’s most advanced sex robots, but not everyone is convinced. To learn more about Roxxxy, her relationship with the media, and the future of sex robots, we spoke to creator Douglas Hines, as well as Loebner Prize-winning AI and robotics expert David Levy.
“When Roxxxy made her public debut at the 2010 AVN Adult Entertainment Expo (AEE) in Las Vegas, she fired up the imagination of sex tech enthusiasts worldwide.” Read more.