Sex Robots in 5 Years Will Be Affordable, Transhuman and Feel Better
Inventors, academics, and lovers of artificial companions share what to expect in the near future.

We’ve been covering the advancement of sex robots since launched in 2011. In the years following, inventors have made impressive gains by incorporating various emerging technologies to create more realistic and interactive artificial companions.
What will be the most exciting developments in sex robots in the next five years?
As the 6th International Congress on Love & Sex With Robots is soon approaching, happening between August 18 and 20, 2021, we reached out to various academic experts, inventors, and lovers of erotic robotics to gather the best insights on what to expect.
Dr. David Levy, Founder of the International Congress on LSR and author of Love & Sex with Robots

“During the next five years, I expect there to be a huge increase in the amount of integration of various sex technologies into human-sized sex dolls of the type manufactured by Abyss Creations (Realbotix).
“I believe that the result will be a commensurate increase in interest from the buying public, as sex robots become increasingly able to enhance the physical feelings enjoyed by users.”
Markie L. C. Twist, Ph.D., LMFT., LMHC., CSE., Teaching Faculty, Antioch University New England, Applied Psychology Program

“I think a few things will be exciting in terms of development in sex robots in the next five years. The development I am most excited about is the transhumanism aspects that we will get closer to even in just the next five years.
“Currently, most sex dolls are in human, typically feminine, form. This is starting to expand beyond human form and I see a nearer than further away future where the dolls will be more robot-like and move beyond mere human form. There could be robots that are alien-like, animal-like (beyond human animals), plant-like, etc. In other words, transhuman—beyond human. Transhumanism brings up questions like what is the gender of a robot? What is the race of a robot?
“The other development I am excited about, which is probably related to the first development I am looking forward to, is the affordability factor of sex robots in the next five years. Now and in the past, sex dolls/robots have not been widely affordable. But, like many new technologies that start out being very costly and thus, inaccessible to many, over time those technologies come down in price and then become more accessible to many. As sex robots become more affordable, more people may buy them, and diversity among robot kinds may take off. In conclusion, to me the future of sex robots is an exciting and encouraging one!”
Simon Dubé, Ph.D. candidate specializing Erobotics and co-Chair of the International Congress on LSR

“In the next five years, I anticipate that the most exciting development with regards to sexual robotics will relate to the improvements in natural language processing, emotional recognition, and production, as well as the meta-learning capabilities of the artificial intelligence powering intimate machines.
“Together, these anticipated advancements will, in my opinion, lead to more interesting and interactive erotic relationships between humans and robots.”
Leonardo Wang, CEO and Founder of MISSDOLL

“I believe it’s definitely going to be juicier. As human beings, higher than 60% of our bodies are made of water, so dry robots will not be our preference. In porn sex scenes, to make the viewer more exciting different kinds of liquids are everywhere.
“An essential development is for sure going to be self-cleaning. Services towards the public, such as robot brothels, may be the best scenario at the earlier stage of the sex robot. Health issues should be the first priority. Body temperature is an old issue that was always mentioned but never really developed.
“Should we be depressed that it is still not safe for sex dolls to get warm today with so much advanced technology humans already got?
“AI is always the first word when talking about robots. I believe AI technology will be involved faster in the coming five years, which will give us more chances to make love to another type of creature with or without a body. What I think would be more exciting is my consciousness in a new body making love to another human being, and I may get excitement from it.”
Davecat, robosexual and iDollator

“Personally, I have two hopes/expectations/what-have-you for artificial companions in the next five years: more development with mechanical engineering, so that you’d have increased movement in a Doll’s head, neck, and upper torso.
“For example, the head of a Realbotix Doll is currently able to move to the left or right, as well as up and down, but not completely to the left or right. I’m picturing her being able to turn her head 90° to the left or right, as well as being able to bring her chin almost to her chest. In addition, her being able to move her arms would be extraordinary.
“In five years time, unless we’re exceptionally lucky, we’re not going to be seeing the level of fine servo engineering to be able to make her individual fingers move, much less allow her to hold a small object, but even if she were able to do something as simple as gently wrap her arms around a partner, that would go a very long way to strengthen the bond between her and her Organik companion.”
Read Davecat’s full response and learn his second hope for the future of companion robots.
Bjorn Johnsson, founder of Lux Botics
“Very realistic autonomous sexual performance by the sex robots will be possible within five years. Robots today can already move fairly realistically in a sexual manner like humping, twerking, thrusting, etc, is already here, but as A.I. and algorithms develop further, the autonomy of sexual performance will be far greater and the sexual personality of robots will be far more interesting.
“If you buy a sex robot today with a relatively good central processing unit (CPU) and with a fair amount of motorized joints, then that same robot will be so much better in five years only due to downloading and updating the software with new and more advanced algorithms that enhance sexual personality and sexual performance.”
Read Bjorn Johnsson’s full response on what to expect in sexbot development in the next five years.
Image sources: Jenna Owsianik, International Congress on Love & Sex With Robots