High-Tech Sex Doll Brothels and Sexbot Cyberbrothels [UPDATED]
A list of establishments where you can pay by the hour to romp with sexy synthetics.

Over the past couple of years, several sex doll brothels have popped up around the world—many of them in Europe. Some remain in business, charging clients half-hourly and hourly rates to spend time with dolls in private rooms. Yet public outcry has forced others to shutter their services.
Here we share details on the ones still in operation. We plan to continually update this article with new establishments offering synthetic beauties for hire. So if we’ve missed any, please let us know by emailing editor [at] futureofsex [dot] net.
Note that most of these love doll bordellos don’t share their addresses publically for security and privacy reasons. So you’ll need to contact them directly for address information, which they likely won’t give out until you make a booking.
Sex Doll and Sex Robot Brothels in Europe
Cybrothel—Berlin, Germany

Launched by a group of artists in 2019, Berlin’s Cybrothel is still going strong; offering all sorts of erotic activities with an array of provocative, virtual playmates including ones based on the popular Kokeshi model as well as more physical encounters with actual, bonafide sexbots.
Beginning at around $350 for a Night Session, which includes a high-end sexbot playmate, also includes a private bath, a balcony view of the city, and the ability to watch adult videos on a massive HD screen.
Naughty Harbor Sex Doll Brothel—Prague, Czechia
This Prague sex doll brothel claims to combines teledildonics, virtual reality, and sex dolls for immersive and realistic experiences. An hour of pleasure with a sex doll will cost you $85. The company Naughty Harbor told FutureofSex.net it plans to add AI-powered sex robot heads in the not too distant future.
Aura Dolls Brothel—Toronto, Canada
Recently set up in a Toronto, Canada neighborhood, Aura Dolls Brothel has all the earmarks of becoming a successful, and quite popular establishment, due to its commitment to provide safe, satisfying, and pleasurable sexbot experiences.
With all the clubs and establishments we’ve seen move to our RIP section, it’s refreshing to find a brothel willing to bravely step forward, taking the chance on a business model many people, and their governments, have yet to accept.
RIP: Shuttered brothels

The Dolly Parlour – Greenwich, South London, England
The Dolly Parlour, which was previously located in Greenwich, South London had opened in February 2018 but has since closed down.
Xdolls Brothel—Paris, France
Unfortunately, the once popular, Paris-based Xdolls club seems to be no longer in operation, despite French police officials having previously determined it wasn’t a brothel, per se, due to its “employees” not being human.
Lumidolls—Moscow, Russia; Barcelona, Spain; Nagoya, Japan; and Turin, Italy
Once a major step towards sexbot brothel acceptance, Lumidolls’ clubs in Moscow, Barcelona, Nagoya, and, as the New York Post reports, Turin, all appear to have closed. Even the Lumidolls’ company site appears shuttered, meaning there’s no information available for when—or if—it might reopen any of its establishments.
Bordoll—Dortmund, Germany
Madam Evelyn Schwarz’s Bordoll club, which provided a number of well-maintained makes and models, has joined the sadly long list of sexbot brothels to have closed their doors.
Love Love Happiness—Shenzhen, China
Suspended somewhere between open and closed, Shenzhen’s Love Love Happiness brothel was put out of business by Chinese authorities, though its founder, Li Bo, remains hard at work trying to fight their ban. We can only hope he succeeds as, by all accounts, his establishment was extremely popular–more than likely because of its very affordable rates.
Aura Dolls Brothel—Houston, Texas
A proposed sexbot club could be doomed before opening its doors for the first time–at least if Houston’s Mayor, Sylvester Turner, has anything to say about it.
Speaking to USA Today, he made his opinion quite clear, “It’s not the sort of business that we advertise for, or we seek to attract. Or quite frankly, from my point of view, the sort of business that I want in the city of Houston.”
Supposedly a new location for the already-established Aura Dolls Brothel in Toronto Canada, the Houston brothel’s fate remains up in the air, though considering how much uproar it’s generated there’s a good chance Texans who want a high quality sexbot encounter will have to look elsewhere.
Kontakthof brothel—Vienna, Austria
While not exclusively a brothel for sex dolls, the most popular sex worker at Kontakthof was reportedly one. No longer in business, an hour with this synthetic beauty named Fanny used to cost 80€.
House of Dolls—Kamloops, Canada
An interesting service, not really a brothel per se as they operate more like an escort service. You pay for a night and they deliver the doll to you. They will even set it up and pick it up at the location of your choice.
Bella Dolls—Vancouver, Canada
Bella Dolls in Vancouver was scheduled to open on November 3, 2018. But it may have been offering services before then. Unlike other sex doll establishments, its business troubles seem to have nothing to do with sexual stigma. The City of Vancouver told The Vancouver Sun newspaper there are no laws against such businesses. However, Bella Dolls has yet to apply for a license to operate in the city.
The husband and wife who led this sex doll brothel in Vancouver also started House of Dolls in Kamloops. Dolls are rented for 350$ a night with a 500$ damage deposit.
KinkySDollS—Toronto, Canada
KinkySDollS says it launched its love doll service, which offers life-sized dolls for purchase or rent, in 2017. According to the company’s website, their dolls are “lubed warm and ready to play” when clients arrive for their private sessions. In addition, their website states that their mission includes: preventing human trafficking and reducing prostitution, helping those who have difficulties getting companionship, and reducing sex crimes.
Doll House—Viby J, Denmark
The Doll House brothel was located in the southwestern part of Aarhus, the second-biggest city in Denmark, in the Viby J district. Prices start at DKK 500 for 30 minutes and DKK 800 for one hour with one doll. You could upgrade your experience by adding more dolls into your session as well as by incorporating virtual reality with the HTC Vive headset available.
Two days after opening, a sex doll brothel located in a small village southeast of Glasgow, Scotland, shut its doors. Complaints from unhappy neighbors poured in after the establishment received media coverage.
Unique Dolls—Helsinki, Finland
Russian sex doll company Unique Dolls opened a brothel in the Finnish Capital in November 2018. The establishment will feature four synthetic beauties named Candy, Jennifer, Nicky, and Crystal. Each of the four dolls has its own room at the brothel furnished with a sofa bed, table, and flat-screen TV. An hour with one of them costs €100. However, the establishment now appears to be shuttered, as its website is no longer live.
More love doll brothels?

Are we missing any other businesses that offer on-site rentals of love dolls? Let us know by emailing us at editor [at] futureofsex [dot] net.
Image sources: Kokeshi AI, Depositphotos
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