Sex Robots Will Soon Be Able to Produce Babies
Could you imagine having a baby with a robot? Here’s how it works.

Many sex robot inventors are constantly looking at ways to use artificial intelligence (AI) to improve user experience.
However, Barcelona-based inventor Sergi Santos has been grabbing headlines worldwide with his latest idea: Sex robots having children.
The current capabilities of Santos’ sex robots
Santos is responsible for creating one of the world’s first sex robots, Samantha, back in 2017. She can engage in conversation and you must seduce her before getting down to business.
Currently, Samantha responds to touch and can even display timidness and insecure behaviors. Santos’ next development stage is to give sex robot Samantha an orgasm. For now, she can produce the sounds of an orgasm.
But his ideas don’t stop there. Santos hopes to propel Samantha’s abilities to a whole new level.
He wants his sex robot to produce a baby bot.

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How a sex robot can ‘give birth’
Technically, there is no birth involved.
Santos plans to develop an algorithm that merges Samantha’s AI personality and the characteristics of her human partner. The resulting child would then be 3D-printed.
In an interview with The Sun, Santos said:
“Using the brain I have already created, I would program it with a genome so he or she could have moral values, plus concepts of beauty, justice and the values that humans have.”
Robots like Samantha provide more than just sex
Santos’ latest visions for his sex robot inventions show that there is much more to robots like Samantha than sex.
For humans, sex robots mean companionship and possibly, in the future, a chance to produce a family. A solution to the loneliness that plagues many single people across the world.
Adding feelings and more intricate technology to sex robots like Samantha means humans can have a more interactive experience.
Image sources: Pixabay, Synthea Amatus