Power to the Pleasure: Weightless Batteries Could Totally Transform the Sextech Industry
Tomorrow’s toys might have everything we want—by leaving something behind

Compliments of the groundbreaking work currently being conducted by scientists at Sweden’s Chalmers University of Technology, there’s an excellent possibility next-generation sextech devices might be half, a quarter, or possibly even smaller than today’s toys—while safely delivering ten times more sexually stimulating power.
How, you may ask? Well, the answer is they’ll do all that and possibly more because instead of requiring heavy batteries—or worse, having to stay plugged into a nearby wall socket—their electrical juice will be provided by whatever they happen to be made from.
Quoted by Tech Radar Pro, lead researcher Richa Chaudhary explained, “We have succeeded in creating a battery made of carbon fiber composite that is as stiff as aluminum and energy-dense enough to be used commercially. Just like a human skeleton, the battery has several functions at the same time.”
The smaller, the better
Providing a reference frame, fellow Chalmers University of Technology carbon fiber expert, Professor Leif Asp said, “We have made calculations on electric cars that show they could drive for up to 70 percent longer than today if they had competitive structural batteries.”
Or, to put it another way, he added that their new battery is jaw-dropping ” twice as good as its predecessor—and actually the best ever made in the world.”
So what we’re talking about isn’t just a more efficient power storage and delivery system but one that’s practically weightless.
Float like a butterfly
Though Chaudhary’s team utilized carbon fiber, someday we might be able to replace it with other, more body-friendly materials—though another option might be using it like ABS and other non-pliant plastics now.
However Chaudhary’s tech ends up being utilized, its sextech possibilities could be truly awe-inspiring.
Right now the design and manufacturing of toys like vibrators and massagers are dictated by a series of unavoidable, crucial factors: the first is their motor or motors—in short, what makes them sexually stimulating.
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The second would be their electronics, especially if they’re smart, as in made for interactive, long-distance play.
Thirdly, as you must have guessed by now, it would be their power source. Of the three, depending on the type of sex toy you’re talking about, the first and last have been the most challenging to make smaller or lighter.
Roar like a tiger
Enter the Swedish team’s carbon fiber, energy-cell breakthrough, which could result in a whole new range of toys limited only by their motors, and even then, as lipstick vibrators prove, you can pack a lot of arousing punch into an already very small package.
Picture sextoys smaller than a dime—and what sex might be like if you or your partner wore one on each fingertip or after polka-dotting them all over each other’s bodies?
Further, why should motors define what a sextoy can and cannot be? After all, neurostim devices are well known for delivering sexually exciting sensations, so why not merge both these technologies, giving us an exciting breed of super-small yet full-spectrum sensation-inducing pleasure dots?
Cutting cords
But let’s not forget those other equally fascinating branches of the speculative sextech tree: virtual, augmented, and mixed reality headsets—and the haptic hardware for them that seems to be right around the corner.
Making tomorrow’s immersive headgear, and their myriad of sex-related accessories, from electrically chargeable carbon fiber would make tripping over power cords a thing of the past.
Or in the case of augmented/mixed reality specs, chargeable carbon fiber could quadruple how long they can be worn while making them as light and comfortable as a regular pair of sunglasses.
Getting a charge out of this
As with so many emergent technologies, Chalmers University’s innovative carbon fiber battery system might be anywhere from five years to twice as many decades away from commercial use, let alone a common feature in home and sextech products.
But when it does, we’ll be able to let our erotic imaginations soar like never before by putting the power to pleasure ourselves and others in our toys, not in big clunky batteries.
Image Sources: Depositphotos