“The Wedding Gift”—an Erotic Speculative Fiction Story
It was something definitely worth waiting for

“She said to open it last. Are you ready?”
A square white box tied with a flurry of pink ribbons sat on the bed between them.
Nora put her thumb and index finger on a strand of ribbon and raised a questioning eyebrow.
“She really told you at the reception we had to be totally naked for this?”
“It’s my Aunt Selene. What did you expect? So, yes, lose the socks or whatever this is won’t work.”
Nick laughed and peeled off his favorite socks that warmed or cooled his feet as needed, pitching them toward the great picture window showing a blue expanse of the Pacific as their flying hotel sailed toward an overnight stop in Tahiti.
“Even for a techno-billionaire she’s weird. I don’t know about this. Selene actually is a mad scientist. What if she’s experimenting on us?”
“Be nice. She also gave us this round-the-world trip on The Dreaming City.”
“Well, you’re her only niece. What worries me is she likes to do really crazy stuff. Like getting arrested for organizing that flash orgy on the moon.”
Nora laughed and waved her hand. “Charges were dropped. It wasn’t illegal then.”
“Did you know,” said Nick, “she came up to me at the reception and said if something happens to you she could use your DNA to make a clone so I wouldn’t miss you.”
“Yeah, well, she said the same thing to me. She just wants us to be happy.” Nora took his hands. “She told me every couple needs to have this experience. More than once even.”
Nick returned a soft squeeze, but looking down at the ball shook his head. “I don’t know what this is, but what if it changes things? Between us.”
Nora took one of his hands and kissed it. “Nick, believe me. She promised it only makes a relationship better. I wouldn’t try this otherwise. It’s supposed to be a nice surprise for us.”
Nick slowly nodded, then leaned over the ball to give his wife a kiss. “You’re right, I’m for whatever you think is good for us. And I have to admit anything that gets your clothes off is fine with me. Let’s do this.”
After he settled back into his cross-legged position, Nora pulled a ribbon and the box unwrapped itself, the paper opening like a white flower, the edges lying down to reveal a glossy black orb about the size of a bowling ball.
“Selene said it will start once it reads my thumbprint.” Nora looked at her new husband and raised her eyebrow. “Here we go,” she said, pressing her right thumb against the cool surface of the black ball.
Instantly her aunt’s face appeared, tanned and smiling. “Hello and congratulations! Now this will be fun, trust me. After I vanish, place both hands firmly on the ball, close your eyes, and don’t break contact until the humming stops. That’s very important. The effects will wear off in precisely thirty minutes, so make the most of it. Enjoy!”
After the ball went a solemn black again, Nora poised both her hands over the sphere and Nick did the same. “I love you. Let’s begin on three,” said Nora, and began the countdown.
With their hands on the ball, Nora heard a low humming and felt a warm tingling in her fingers that slowly spread up her arms to her shoulders. The mild tickling rose to her head like a swarm of bees, then gently swept down her body until even her toes were softly buzzing. The humming grew louder and the tingling became almost an itching, but Nora kept her hands on the dark globe. Only when the ball became silent and the prickly sensations faded away completely did she open her eyes.
“Wow,” said Nora, her voice deeper than usual, staring across at herself.
Nick looked at his hands, slim and manicured, taking them to a beardless face. “What the hell?’ came out as a light and feathery whisper.
Nora dropped her head to see a suddenly flat chest, feeling an odd new weight between her legs. Flexing, she exclaimed, “I have muscles now!”
“I never realized how soft you are,” said Nick, Nora watching as his hands found and flowed over a new world of curves.
Nora stretched, admiring her arms. “You guys are like some kind of machine. Really. So strong.”
“You’re like a piece of art. So beautifully put together.” Her husband lay back and raised a long leg, wiggling the painted toes.
“Thank you,” said Nora, noting with some satisfaction that the stylist-bot at the Sky Salon on the top floor of their flying luxury hotel actually did a pretty good job with her hair.
“We don’t have much time, honey,” said Nora, getting off the bed and carefully placing the ball and its wrappings on a nearby table. Remembering her aunt’s advice, she sat next to her body and put a hand on a smooth and shapely leg.
“Now, let me show you what I really like.”
Image Sources: Depositphotos
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