Designing Human-like Behavior in Sex Dolls

Friday night. Cozy bar. A man in his 30s sees a blonde girl standing right next to his table. She looks pretty—symmetrical face, brown eyes, and perfect body shape.
He greets her and starts the conversation:
– Hey. My name is Ry.
– OK, I will call you Ry.
– How are you doing today?
– Very well, Ry. I’m curious. Do you like using sex toys?
– Sure, why not.
– Because I’m not in the mood today.
The blonde girl, named Harmony, rejects poor Ray.
There is nothing special about this situation. Besides the fact that Harmony is a realistic sex doll equipped with artificial intelligence. The conversation you’ve read above isn’t fiction. It did happen between Ry, the creator of AI app and his revolutionary invention.
However, the concept of sex with a doll isn’t brand-new. It was invented by Dutch sailors who couldn’t stand loneliness during long trips in the 17th century. Later on, Dutch sailors sold their “wives” to Japanese men.
The sex doll industry has expanded in the last years. First sex dolls were made of old clothes and hay. Twenty years ago, all the sex shops of the world were packed with cheap, inflatable dolls.
Nowadays high-quality sex dolls look like real women. Each has a gentle smile on her face, long hair, and slim body. Silicone dolls, indeed, have something to offer to their users.
They can keep them company and sexually satisfy the owner. Now creators are developing new models of lifelike sex dolls that can flirt and even reject the user. Dolls equipped with artificial intelligence can also simulate orgasms and tell jokes.
Since sex dolls are developing so fast and look more and more human-like, it raises a question: Will sex dolls lead to the end of human relationships or make the world a better place?
How can something made of silicone, lightweight metal, latex, and plush material replace a real human?
The creators decided to approach the matter of sex with the doll creatively. At this point, all silicone dolls are different just like humans. Some of them even have a heater inside. It creates the impression of real human warmth.
When it comes to the ethics of sex with human-like dolls, creators point at the fact that their inventions can actually help many people. Sex dolls might solve the problem of men with unusual sexual fantasies such as rape or humiliation. Sex dolls are considered submissive lovers. Moreover, some models can moan and say “no” (in case it turns the owner on). On the other hand, there is no research conducted on this topic so the jury is still out.
Realistic sex dolls can be an excellent tool for solo sex. Nowadays people have access to pornography and different sex devices. So why not use an upgraded toy as well?
Owners state that silicone dolls help release tension and stress, and never judges their skills in bed. Most importantly, they will also never turn them down. And the fact that sex dolls are looking and behaving more like humans turns users on as they feel more engaged.
Creators also bring up the possibilities of sex dolls for people living with disabilities. Some people with psychological and physical challenges may struggle to find partners but still have a high sex drive.
However, original realistic sex dolls are pretty heavy. An average one weights around 35 kg. So, carrying it around the house might be a problem for people with physical disabilities.
On the other hand, it is possible to order a portable sex doll directly from the factory. User can choose hair color, breasts size, and facial expression.
The concept of realistic sex dolls has already received strong negative reactions from many commentators. In 2015, Kathleen Richardson, a robot ethicist at De Montfort University in Leicester started a Campaign Against Sex Robots. She thinks that such a use of technology is unacceptable.
The supporters of the campaign believe that popularizing sex dolls in the form of women can contribute to inequalities in society. Richardson argues that the use of realistic sex dolls will promote increased sexual violence since men will perceive women as sex objects as a result and won’t consider their feelings or backgrounds.
Another point is that some people not only feel sexual attraction to synthetic dolls, but they also fall in love with them. A 46-year-old man from Michigan named Davecat is good proof of this. He considers himself a technosexual, which is a term to describe someone who is attracted to robots.
Davecat dreams about the day when the United States Supreme Court will recognize his marriage with Sidore Kuroneko, his love doll.
There is no clear answer or consensus on whether designing human-like behavior in sex dolls is the right direction for humanity or not. Society has stigmatized diverse sexual identities for many years now. Quite probably, people need more time to understand and accept digisexuality.
Yet, we cannot but deny that sex dolls equipped with artificial intelligence is in the future of sex.
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