VR Dating in 50 Years: Meet Sexy Robots on the Moon and Mermaid Girlfriends?
Exploring the dating scene in virtual reality will enable a lot of fantasy fulfillment.

Would you use virtual reality to date or meet someone new?
Currently, dating apps are changing their focus from photos to video and audio products, as more singles on Tinder opt to meet over video before going on in-person dates. Once virtual reality gear is lighter and cheaper, it’s not wild speculation to think that for many people, exploring the dating scene in a virtual world will become commonplace.
Today’s VR technology is not widely accessible or affordable. However, in 50 years’ time, granted the human race hasn’t frozen or burned to a crisp, the potential ubiquity and easy access to incredibly realistic and immersive virtual reality will likely alter how we interact with the world and other people.

These very ideas are discussed in the French-Canadian TV docuseries “Sexe+Techno” by hosts Jean-Michel Vanasse and Marilou Ethier. I acted as a sex tech consultant on the series and appear in a few of the episodes. However, I want to share the evocative dreams of how and who the hosts would date once VR technology reaches the tipping point and can experience what would otherwise be impossible
Jean-Michel said he would put on contact lenses, equipped with virtual reality technology, and meet a sexy robot on the moon for a romantic date. Marilou, on the other hand, would fulfill her dream of becoming a mermaid and swimming the ocean with her mermaid girlfriend and fish friend.
Inspired by the hosts’ imagination, a better question to ask singles rather than *would* you date in virtual reality is *who* would you date and *where* would you go?
Image sources: TV5Unis