Author: Baxstar J. Ferguson
Mojowijo: Teledildonics Comes to the Wii
If you bought a Wii and kicked yourself when teledildonics came to the Kinect, you’re in luck! -
Robot Sex On the Big Screen Today at Sundance: Meaning of Robots Trailer
Ever wanted to make your own robot sex movie? Turns out it’s not as easy as it sounds! -
RealTouch Can Bring the Teledildonics Conjugal Visit to Reality
Virtual toy maker RealTouch unveils their latest creation and proposes an ingenious idea for its trial run. -
Can We Transmit Emotions Through Telepresence Robots?
Remotely projecting your presence has never looked so weird… -
Sex, Open Sourced: Accessible Sex Software and DIY Hardware
Producers of adult media have been seeking a new market in emerging technologies… -
The Biggest Hit of Erotica 2011: A Sensual Awakening Device
Gallus et Mulier Limited deliver the next innovation in sleep and sex technology. -
Can Siri Control Your Sex Life?
What’s stopping you from turning Siri into a serious sex machine? Not much, it seems. -
The Electric Orgasm and Other Visions from the Future of Sex
Human beings will capture and replay sensory experiences through small microchips on the skin by the year 2030. -
Bi-Autoerotic Intercourse: Sex Tech You Can Make at Home!
Have you ever wondered what you might look like from your lover’s eyes?