Doesn’t Grok: “Uncensored” ChatGPT Competitor Too Insulting, Too Late?
Why create something that’s already been done—and way better?

Recently released for X (formerly Twitter) premium subscribers, Grok AI features a bevy of synthetic personalities, including several that demonstrate a distinct fondness for exceedingly colorful language—as in swearing up a blue streak and insulting its user to “Sexy,” which, like its namesake, is all about telling very explicit stories.
Aside from “Unhinged” and” Sexy,” there’s also the less-sexually oriented “Romantic,” the soothing “Meditation,” the “Professor,” which likes to discuss science-related topics, the mental health-focused “Unlicensed therapist,” and, in light of the net’s current battle against misinformation and alternative facts, the disturbing “Conspiracy” spouting personality.
Been there, done that
Aside from some of its new features, most of Grok AI’s upgrades aren’t innovative. Even its capability to spin anatomically specific erotic tales is something artificial intelligence systems have done for quite some time and arguably more entertainingly—though paraphrasing an old adage, smut remains in the eye of the beholder.
For instance, SmutFinder, Smitten, and Dreampress AI can write fully customized short and novel-length erotic works. Want to read and not read? Old favorite Literotica has partnered with Speachify, offering free text-to-speak with voices modeled after Gwyneth Paltrow, Snoop Dogg, and Mr. Beast.
Different but still the same
As reported by Ars Technica, Grok AI seems less about breaking new ground and more about trying to do what other artificial intelligence platforms don’t, specifically Open AI’s ChatGPT.
Namely, Grok AI’s “Sexy” mode (warning: NSFW audio) will discuss graphically sexual situations, which ChatGPT’s voice mode will not touch.”
However, the same article adds, “although OpenAI recently loosened up the moderation on the text-based version of ChatGPT to allow some discussion of some erotic content.”
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Grok AI apparently also offers something others don’t: enabling users to tweak their personalities’ speech patterns.
For example, “musician Sean Lennon customized the voice mode to play the part of “Roko’s Basilisk,” a fictional AI character based on a thought experiment about a hypothetical superintelligent AI that might retroactively punish those who did not help bring it into existence.”
Missed opportunities
Frustratingly, Grok could actually be something—and not merely a foul-mouthed publicity stunt.
Beginning by asking, not telling, people what they want or, better yet, need from AI. Personally, I’ve long dreamt of a personal assistant capable of streamlining my workflow, managing day-to-day tasks, or helping make online dating less frustrating.
Toss in something that could also keep a digital eye out for new, extra-shiny, uber-cool new stuff, movies, books, art, food, etc, and it might really be worth using
Another step backward
On its surface, Grok AI appears to be yet another Musk failure, in this case, a stick he desperately wants to poke at what he sees as institutional oppression.
But as The Guardian pointed out, when it comes to standing up for freedom of speech, Musk never puts his immense fortune where his mouth is: “The examples of Musk’s hypocrisy are so frequent, it’s hard to keep track of them all.”
Case in point, Musk was caught in flagrante delicto heeding the advice of conservatives on what progressives he should kick off X and “According to former Twitter employers, in the early days of his ownership Musk did a 180 on his supposed principles when faced with pressure from advertisers, going from a leave-everything-up stance to a take-everything-down one.”
Lacking vision—or sense
Though it is impossible to say what governed Musk’s decision to take the reins off Grok’s sexually unfettered synthetic personalities, considering many of his previous, plainly less-than-well-thought-out business decisions, it wouldn’t be surprising if it was done to spite a perceived competitor.
Ironically, as Ars Technica noted, rather than carving out an innovative new place in the rapidly expanding field, Grok instead might lead to ChatGPT following suit and firmly cementing Musk’s attempt as little more than but yet another talk-dirty-to-me AI site.
Image Sources: Depositphotos