Comes When You Call: DoorDash Now Delivers Sextech Delights
Hustler Hollywood arrangement takes pleasure shopping to a whole new level

There you are, all tucked in for the night when, out of the blue, you and your partner—or partners, as the case might be—are overwhelmingly, shall we say, in the mood.
But instead of climbing back into your clothes, getting behind the wheel, and driving to the nearest sextoy emporium, you simply only need to pick up your phone, fire up the DoorDash app, and, viola, everything you want is delivered straight to your door.
Too good to be true? Fortunately, if you live in one of the fifty-nine US cities included in the new partnership between DoorDash and Hustler Hollywood then you too can get in on the fun—without leaving the comfort of your home or even needing to get dressed.
Will this innovative service prove to be a positive, sex-affirming glimpse of what’s to come, or could there be unexpected, potentially dangerous repercussions of sharing the details of your sex life with a complete stranger?
“Everything you need”
In the adult industry trade journal XBIZ, Mike Goldblatt, DoorDash’s Vice President of New Verticals Partnerships, explained the collaboration, “We’re always expanding our retail offerings to make DoorDash the ultimate destination for everything you need. We’re thrilled to welcome Hustler Hollywood to the platform just in time for Valentine’s Day, making it more convenient than ever for adults to discreetly show a wide selection of intimate essentials for on-demand delivery across the US.”
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As this DoorDash page shows, it’s now possible to arrange home delivery from Hustler Hollywood’s extensive collection of high-tech sextoys, condoms, lubricants, lingerie, special gift bundles, and other sex-related products, even BDSM sextoys, restraints, floggers, and more.
Liz Flynt, Hustler Hollywood’s Chairperson added “We’ve always been about making intimacy exciting, accessible and fun—and now, with our DoorDash partnership, we’re taking that to a whole new level. This is a first-of-its-kind collaboration, allowing people to discreetly order our most popular items and have them delivered exactly when you need them.”
Do you know who your Dasher is?
In common with ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft, as stated on its site, DoorDash, via Checkr, uses current Motor Vehicle and Criminal History Reports to pre-screen its would-be delivery personnel.
Once approved, Dashers found to have threatened, assaulted, sexually harassed, or discriminated against customers can, as Doordash euphemistically puts it, find themselves permanently “deactivated.”
All fine and good, however, it’s one thing for a Dasher to deliver pizzas and quite another if they are assigned to go to a sex shop and pick up not merely an anonymous brown-paper-wrapped package but have to enter the store and personally select … well, pretty much everything Hustler Hollywood has on its shelves.
Convenience versus privacy
The National Women’s Law Center’s meticulously documented an alarming number of pharmacists who have flat-out refused to sell sex or birth control-related medications, often citing a religious objection, so what if a Dasher similarly declines an order?
If DoorDash’s employee standards hold true, they’d naturally expect to be either written up or subsequently “deactivated.”
Not to sound alarmist, but what if instead of voicing their disapproval openly, the driver shared information about their delivery with another person: a third party who then might use the information to emotionally, financially, or physically devastate an innocent person’s life?
Worst yet, unless a covert connection like this were likely to be exposed, there would not be a clear-cut link between what was assumed to be a secure Hustler Hollywood delivery and the nightmare that might follow.
Be careful, be cautious, be safe
It’s unfortunately easy to forget flesh and blood individuals are behind every apparently impersonal, automated app like Amazon or services such as DoorDash, and while most don’t care what they’re shipping or delivering, a few might be waiting for an opportunity to abuse the trust we’ve given them.
Is the DoorDash, Hustler Hollywood partnership a disaster waiting to happen? Not at all, as it could allow people access to sexual pleasure-affirming products they otherwise might be too distant, shy, or scared to purchase personally.
It’s just before placing your order you want to take a moment to weigh the good with what could be not-so-good about having a stranger do your sextoy shopping for you.
Image Sources: Depositphotos