“Sexy Action at a Distance”—an Erotic Speculative Fiction Story
Love and desire are limitless-—and timeless

According to quantum entanglement, two particles can be connected even if they’re lightyears away from one another. Changing the state of one causes a predictable shift in the state of the other. This phenomenon is also known as “spooky action at a distance.”
It’s a year between 1990 and 2020, when two people meet online. One’s name is Alice, a trans woman, the other is Bob, a cis man. Alice lives on one side of the planet, and Bob on the exact opposite one.
“Hey Alice, does Tinder treat you well? Meeting fun people?” Bob asks after they match.
“It’s dreadful,” she replies with a smiley face.
And Bob agrees, it really is dreadful. Thus forms a first thread of connection between them, a shared hatred for the platform that allowed them to meet.
They go away from this dreadful app, to a slightly less dreadful one. And then agree again that all social media is dreadful. They exchange more smiley faces. The bond strengthens.
“I wish I could cuddle with you,” Bob tells her one day. She wishes that, too, but because of the long distance they cannot embrace one another. They’re both financially limited. Bob works at a factory struggling to make do in the richest country of the world. Alice works in fashion, she’s in a developing country. The trip is too much for her own finances as well.
Time passes, and he doesn’t want to tell her that he loves her because he hasn’t met her in person, but he implies it frequently. They gather money to meet each other, but Alice’s laptop malfunctions, and she has to spend it on a replacement. It has to be a posh laptop, otherwise her job will kick her out. She spends all her money on it, and eats rice with salt for weeks.
They are both sad about this. They share their sadness.
Bob tells her he loves her.
They are limited to sharing their love verbally, through a screen interface. This action at a distance is limited, but for the first time in humanity’s history, people who never stepped on the same country form the beginnings of entanglement. The emotions of one directly shift those of the other.
In the future, there is a metaverse. It has brighter colors than reality and landscapes so refined by artistic eyes they amplify beauty. The year is between 2040 and 2100 when two people meet in this digital world. Alice is genderfluid, Bob is enby. They both like chocolates.
They view each other in all of the three dimensions. They take a stroll, then fly together among the clouds as they talk about the abhorrent ethics of the chocolate industry and how they both managed to find slave-free alternatives that are even more delicious. They start loving chocolate even more because it brings them closer.
They float down a coffee shop that nests on the branch of a sycamore. They pause to serve themselves coffee in the physical world, then enter the metaverse world again, still holding the cups that now look different: made of wood. A clothed bird nods at them, pretends to serve them, and they start sipping. Their minds register the taste differently. It’s not the same than the coffee each of them had on their own in their apartments.
They talk for hours. They meet again every day. They fall in love, sharing their affection verbally without restraint.
They touch but don’t feel each other. It’s a mirage.
But they pick on the mannerisms of one another. They understand each other’s body language. They reenact sex roleplay with vivid visions. Small gestures influence the emotional state of each other. Compared to the limitation of a screen interface, those two people are a whole dimension closer to entangled.
Two people meet. Alice and Bob, two shapeshifters with an affinity for human form, shifting their genders across a spectrum as they feel. The year is undefined. They spend time together in a vibrant world, a never-ending garden. They talk for hours. They fall in love.
Their hands touch. By machinations of biology, a sensation triggers the neurons of the palm and sends a message to each other’s brain that makes the touch real. By laws of physics their atoms never truly touch.
Lips enwrap lips, brush the skin, tongues trailing each other’s bodies from thigh to neck. They become two bodies so entangled they’re almost one. By law of physics their atoms never touch.
The two lovers no longer remember if this garden world is real. It’s full of lovers like them, and no one here is alone. People sometimes leave the garden and return. They are not allowed to share what happens beyond the garden. Their words turn to butterflies if they try.
Some say this world was designed so those sharing a powerful bond could be together. Some say it was a world meant to forget what happens beyond. Most agree it’s all a simulation.
According to the holographic principle, the world they come from is encoded in a two dimensional surface, projecting information on three dimensions. According to the holographic principle, that world is a simulation as well. People in the garden call it the “nested simulation theory.” They are a simulation within a simulation. Perhaps within another simulation, ever onward in a vast omniverse onion-shaped.
It makes no difference. The lovers know one thing, which is all that matters:
“If our souls are connected, and all our senses tell us our lover is really there, what makes it any less real?”
Image Sources: Depositphotos